Illustrations : Published

WALLPEPPER Trend Line 2019 – Lo stagno del mondo fluttuante

WALLPEPPER Trend Line 2019 – L’erbario di Elena

WALLPEPPER Trend Line 2019 – Aromatico Groviglio

WALLPEPPER – TrendLine 2017 “Silk Way” – Ginkgo’s game

WALLPEPPER – TrendLine 2017 “Silk Way” – The good luck land

WALLPEPPER – TrendLine 2017 “Silk Way” – The in bloom wood

WALLPEPPER – TrendLine 2017 “Silk Way” – Acrobatics in the attic

The left-hand lace

WALLPEPPER – trend line 2016. Chinoiserie.

WALLPEPPER – trend line 2016. Tropical Attitude.

Opposites are blooming and spring is in the cellar.

Half full, half empty?

Swimmer #363.

Get Up, Pizzomunno!

Picame – Daily dose of creativity.

Deep in new publishing.

Gerard Depardieu.

run, Hermes!

INKLIST – Popper Fanzine.

Comic Sans is nice.
